Office Resale

Sustainable Office Clearances

Are you moving or changing your office and need to sustainably clear out redundant office furniture, IT and electrical equipment?

Our office clearance services help our clients meet not only your business objectives, but also your sustainability targets. Designed around the waste hierarchy, this range of sustainable services enables us to generate the best financial, environmental and social outcomes from your office and IT clear-outs:

Audit, storage and stock control services

We help you to reuse existing furniture, IT and equipment, reduce wastage and make financial savings through better management of these assets.

Resale of furniture, IT and electrical equipment

We help you get the most out of unwanted assets, selling them through this website, whilst prolonging their life, reducing waste and benefiting others.

Donation of office furniture, IT and equipment

We ensure items that continue to have social value remain in use as long as possible, through our donation initiative The Giving Back Project, helping those in need and supporting local communities.

Furniture remanufacturing and refurbishment, cleaning and repair services

We help you make the most of your existing furniture assets, returning them to as good as new condition and remanufacturing them to meet new working requirements in our award-winning Renew Centre.

Secure data destruction with testing, reconfiguration and repair of IT

We enable the safe and secure reuse of items (as well as responsible disposal at end-of-life) in our Renew IT Centre whilst ensuring you meet legal requirements and address data security risks.

Recycling and recovery

Through a network of facilities across the UK, we deliver 100% diversion from landfill solutions wherever possible and ensuring the responsible disposal of furniture, IT and equipment at the end of their life.

Demonstrating your project savings

On completion of your project, we can provide you with a client savings report outlining the project savings from reuse, resale and rebates, your donations and the charities you have supported, and the carbon savings achieved by using our services. Our fully documented process and robust measurement of the savings achieved gives you the evidence needed to demonstrate achievement of sustainability goals and carbon emissions reduction as well as compliance.

Our cost-effective solutions minimise the environmental impact of short-term furniture requirements and prevent unwanted furniture becoming a liability.

For organisations with rapidly changing or uncertain furniture needs, we offer a range of quality refurbished office furniture on a flexible short-term basis.

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